
The Wheel

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St. Kate’s spring reopening

St. Kate’s spring reopening

As the university begins to transition toward returning to in-person in the fall, the post-spring break opening plan has been set in motion. The protocols of the university, such as wearing a face mask, social distancing, and completing the daily symptom check are still enforced, but some things on campus are starting to return to what was normal before the COVID-19 pandemic.

The biggest change brought by this stage of the reopening plan is the movement of tier two courses from online to in-person classes. These courses include a variety of subjects, ranging from ceramics to organic chemistry labs. Tier two courses are joining tier one courses in having a space on campus, and following the different protocols put in place by the university. These students and instructors are required to wear a face mask in the classroom, and face shields are also being used when social distancing is not possible. 

The classrooms are being disinfected daily to help prevent the spread of COVID. Other buildings on campus that are not being used for classroom space are also open for use as public and private study spaces. Cleaning products are being made available to disinfect any surfaces in these rooms. 

Some campus policies instated during COVID are changing as a result of the reopening process. Those living on campus are now allowed to host one guest, regardless of whether they live on campus or not. Residents are still encouraged to follow the guidelines of social distancing and mask wearing during these visits, and obtain permission from roommates if they have them. Another change being implemented is the move from a 14 day quarantine period to a 10 day quarantine period for most people, along with testing requirements for those in quarantine. 

The Butler Center Gym is also now available for all students to use, whether they live on campus or not. The typical protocols of social distancing and wearing a mask at all times are being followed, and there is social distancing between machines and marked spaces to help promote it in other situations. Recently, the back weight room, the walking track, and the gym have all reopened. In order to use the Butler Center, advance sign-ups and a green checkmark from the daily screening are required.

The CdC has remained open throughout the pandemic. As the reopening of campus continues, more services inside the CdC are becoming available. The library is now open to students, and appointments for study rooms are no longer needed. The library is also offering books for check-out. The check-out process is socially distanced to help reduce the spread of COVID. The library is also continuing to offer virtual services, such as meeting with a librarian for research assistance. 

Within the CdC, some departments are starting to reopen and offer in-person services. Access and Success, located in the lower level of the CdC, is offering in-person drop-in hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Community Work and Learning office, located near the Dew Drop Lounge, is also available Monday through Thursday for socially distanced meetings. Meetings for these departments are still available to be scheduled and attended virtually. 
As St. Kate’s continues to reopen and shift its focus towards being completely in-person, they continue to advocate for the same precautions to be taken and for students to do what they can to avoid COVID, including vaccination if possible. For more information on reopening and how it will look, stay tuned to your St. Kate’s email, or view the COVID-19 response webpage here.

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Increased vaccination eligibility leads to a renewed sense of normalcy

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