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Increased vaccination eligibility leads to a renewed sense of normalcy

Increased vaccination eligibility leads to a renewed sense of normalcy

Just over a year after the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic, effectively shutting down the world as we knew it, there seems to finally be a light at the end of the tunnel. On March 30, 2021, Governor Tim Walz made the COVID-19 vaccine available to all Minnesotans aged 16 and older. Citing a desire to “get as many Minnesotans vaccinated as quickly as possible,” this expanded eligibility would add over 1.2 million Minnesotans to the list of candidates. 

At St. Catherine University, the increase in vaccination has led to a number of changes. The school has begun a phased return to campus, with Tier Two students and faculty moving to in-person classes the week of April 5. The campus is opening up, with study spaces in the Coeur de Catherine, Whitby Hall, and the Library up for reservation through Google Calendar. Residence halls have opened up public spaces such as lounges and kitchens, and have increased their visitor policy to allow for one off-campus guest in each of residents’ living spaces.

In terms of vaccinations, though, the university does not currently have the vaccine to provide on-campus. However, they are continuing to work with the Minnesota Department of Health and local public health agencies to identify additional doses. 

Currently, there are many places where interested and eligible people can get vaccinated. The state of Minnesota has several community vaccination sites which vaccinate people in eligible groups. The state is also providing COVID-19 vaccines to over 100 hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare providers to help administer vaccines to Minnesotans, which can be located through a Vaccine Locator. Another accessible option for vaccinations is local pharmacies, such as Walgreens and CVS. A list of eligible pharmacies that are providing vaccines can be found here

If interested in receiving a vaccine, the State of Minnesota has created a Vaccine Connector to get connected to resources for scheduling an appointment with one of the State’s community sites. The Center for Disease Control’s VaccineFinder is another great resource to find the appropriate vaccine closest to you.

Despite having more relaxed COVID policies, those present on campus are still required to follow the standard protocol of completing the Daily Symptom screening, wearing a mask with at least two layers, maintaining social distance, limiting contacts, washing hands, and staying home when sick.

Additionally, everyone on campus is encouraged to get tested for COVID-19 if they are: symptomatic, identified as a close contact per the MDH guidelines, required to be tested for participation in an event, or returning from travel. Those on campus can schedule a test here, find a community testing site, or participate in a Test from Home program.

As the end of what has been a remarkably unprecedented year approaches, it is important to remain vigilant and responsible to your own community. By abiding by CDC-implemented guidelines and staying safe until herd immunity is achieved, our society can be returned to normal in no time.

Image source: https://mn.gov/covid19/vaccine/connector/connector.jsp

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