Searching for a new president
President ReBecca Koenig Roloff Credit: St. Catherine University
In the wake of President Roloff’s retirement, how will a replacement be found?
By M Yeager
On Aug. 15, President ReBecca Koenig Roloff announced her retirement as the 11th president of St. Catherine University. She has held the role since 2016, initially having a five-year contract that was extended by the Board of Trustees in 2021. On Aug. 25, a few days after Roloff’s announcement, the Presidential Search Committee sent an email to the St. Kate’s community about its creation in the wake of the president’s retirement. The email also contained information about their goals, including hiring an executive search firm.
A list of the members of the Presidential Search Committee Credit: Presidential Search Committee
The Committee additionally announced the creation of an email address dedicated to any feedback or questions about the search process. It further stated that there will be a website specifically dedicated to the status of the search to ensure transparency and openness during the entire process.
“That’s going to be our primary source of information that we’re utilizing,” said Dr. Steven H. Kenney, Senior Vice President of Human Resources, Equity and Inclusion. “[It’s] the primary channel to give information to our constituents, internal and external, simultaneously.” The website will include a form that will allow members of the community to provide feedback at any point during the process. It will remain up-to-date and is expected to be a source of robust information on the status and the presidential search in general. Kenney expects the website to be up in the coming weeks.
Steven H. Kenney, Senior Vice President of Human Resources, Equity and Inclusion Credit: St. Catherine University
The Committee itself has been created with the purpose of representing all of the major constituencies at the university, including students, faculty, staff, community members, alumni and the Board of Trustees. During the first meeting of the Committee on the afternoon of Sept. 7, each member of the committee was tasked with representing each of the constituency groups. “[It’s] part of their responsibility to make sure that they are truly representing you and your voice no matter what constituency you’re in,” said Kenney.
There are several ways for community members to engage in the search process. One is through feedback on the website, and the others are through participating in listening sessions and town halls when finalists are chosen. Both will be hybrid to maximize the amount of feedback and engagement from the St. Kate’s community. There will be six listening sessions in total, with one for faculty, one for staff, one for alumni and community members, one for the Board of Trustees and two for students. “Part of the listening sessions will be designed to allow individuals to come forward and provide us with insight, feedback and information about what characteristics, what traits and what leadership competencies we want to see in the next president,” said Kenney.
When asked about how the transition would affect students, Kenney sought to alleviate any worry and uncertainty that community members may have: “Trust in the process.”
Roloff’s date of departure is Aug. 15, 2024, and Kenney sees the year of advance notice as an upside and will assist in making the transition as smooth as possible. “I think it puts everyone at ease that this is going to be a process that’s going to be transparent, a process that’s going to be collaborative and a process that’s really going to take into account what’s in the best interest of St. Catherine University,” said Kenney.
The process is in its early stages, and details of the search are still being decided. However, Kenney reiterated that the process will be entirely open and there will be a steady flow of updates on the process as they come. The most important thing that Kenney stressed is, “For anyone that has any interest in the process, be involved as much as possible.”
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