
The Wheel

St. Catherine University’s official student news, since 1935.

Injustice in my Coffee

Injustice in my Coffee

I woke up this morning and tasted injustice in my coffee.

I savored the diligence of the Mayan worker, but I could not remove the oppression left on my tongue.

Exploitation stained my teeth.

There was sweet resistance from the indigenous people, but an aftertaste of political corruption that I could not shake.

There was a hint of poverty yet the warmth of hospitality.

Similar to caffeine, hope kindles another taste.

I held the cup to my lips and took another sip.

It was bitter, so I added more cream.

REVIEW: The how-to guide to ‘Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable'

REVIEW: The how-to guide to ‘Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable'

Political Science Club shows ‘The Hunting Ground’ documentary, calls on students to support survivors of sexual assault

Political Science Club shows ‘The Hunting Ground’ documentary, calls on students to support survivors of sexual assault