
The Wheel

St. Catherine University’s official student news, since 1935.

Dreaming of a Ball

Dreaming of a Ball

St. Kate’s Winter Formal aims to replace the lost proms of Covid 19

“A dream is a wish your heart makes,” so sang Cinderella (Ilene Woods) in Disney’s iconic movie in which a princess sings to animals, magically dances with a prince, and loses a shoe all in one night. Unfortunately for many high-schoolers caught in the Covid 19 pandemic, the dream of a prom or formal were shattered and overlooked. St. Kate’s, with the assistance of Sofia Osterlund (Fashion Design, ‘25) and Tomi Ola (Applied Science in Psychology, ‘23), will be throwing a winter ball for all Katies with the hope that it can in some way replace students’ overlooked dancing dreams. “We wanted to give a prom to those who didn’t get one because of Covid,” said Osterlund. The ball will be held on Saturday, December 4th from 8-11 p.m. in the CDC Ballroom. Attire will be formal: long dresses and suits or as Ola says, “not jeans.” 

Poster of the Winter Formal Event

Covid 19 isn’t going anywhere (at least for the foreseeable future), yet in the midst of this chaotic time, Residence Life at St. Catherine’s will try to fulfil any lost dreams of dancing by way of a ball. The theme will be Starry Night. All colors of attire are welcome, but if one is seeking to match the theme, a shade of blue or a cool color will blend well. All resident students of St. Kate’s will formally receive an invitation that is magically slipped under their doors before Thanksgiving break. Invitations will hold a QR code with a link to an RSVP. While there is no limit to attendants or guests, there is a limit to how many can fit in the ballroom due to social distancing, so it is advised that each resident student only bring 1-2 quests. Non-resident students will not directly receive an invitation but are welcome to come as a guest of a resident student.

In your dreams you will lose your heartache

While this may work for Cinderella, it might not work for those who have had to sacrifice (and continue to sacrifice) comfort or pleasure for safety in Covid 19. Any non-St. Kate students are required to show proof of vaccination before entering the ballroom. Masks are required at all times unless the attendee is drinking or eating. And most important of all, there will be dancing, so choose your footwear wisely. No one needs to repeat Cinderella and create a littering of abandoned shoes on the staircase leading up to the ballroom. If you have a certain song that you enjoy dancing to, the DJ will be playing requested songs. Attendees only need to note which ones they would like to have played when they send in their RSVP.

The stairs that lead to the ballroom, where scattered shoes will NOT be.

Have faith in your dreams and someday

To all of you who had to give up the dream of a formal dance because of Covid, your dream may soon come true. While this can never fully replace that which was lost, perhaps it can give something back. There is nothing essential or academic about a promenade, though it has been associated with a traditional American high school experience; a rite of passage that passed by many, replaced by online learning and quarantine, but now if a student dreams of dancing and has faith (along with some help from Residence Life), the dream that they wish will come true.

 A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes 

by Illene Woods, written and composed by David Mack, Hoffman Al, and Livingston Jerry. Produced by Walt Disney, 1950.

A dream is a wish your heart makes

When you're fast asleep

In dreams you will lose your heartache

Whatever you wish for you keep

Have faith in your dreams and someday

Your rainbow will come smiling through

No matter how your heart is grieving

If you keep on believing

The dream that you wish will come true

A dream is a wish your heart makes

When you're feeling small

Alone in the night you whisper

Thinking no-one can hear you at all

You wake with the morning sunlight

To find fortune that is smiling on you

Don't let your heart be filled with sorrow

For all you know tomorrow

The dream that you wish will come true

A dream is a wish your heart makes

A dream is a wish your heart makes

You wake with the morning sunlight

To find fortune that is smiling on you

Don't let your heart be filled with sorrow

For all you know tomorrow

The dream that you wish will come true

No matter how your heart is grieving

If you keep on believing

The dream that you wish will come true

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