
The Wheel

St. Catherine University’s official student news, since 1935.

Special Edition Fall 2021: An Iconic Symbol

Special Edition Fall 2021: An Iconic Symbol

What is the true meaning of the wheel?

The name of this very newspaper and a famous feature of St. Catherine, our university’s namesake because of her martyrdom and scholarship.

St. Catherine of Alexandria was born in the 4th century, and converted to Christianity at the age of 14. She was strong in her faith and its philosophies. While speaking out and converting others to Christianity, she got in trouble with the current emperor and was arrested. During her time in jail, she endured torture, yet still continued to preach her faith. The legends even state that the emperor’s own wife was converted by St. Catherine.

Because of her work and faithfulness, the emperor finally decided to execute her to put an end to her work and prevent her from seizing any power. Her death was to be by a torture wheel. Incredibly, at the hour of her death, her touch shattered the instrument that was supposed to bring about her demise. The wheel torture method is now known as the St. Catherine Wheel because of this incident.

This symbol is just that, a rotating wheel lit with fireworks. It is meant to symbolize the ascension into heaven, and the steps that are taken to gain entry. The fire on the wheel symbolizes both the destruction of the old and the creation of the new.

The symbol has been used in a variety of ways since its creation. It has been used as a symbol for religious pilgrims in 15th century France, and was once the name of a British rock band. It is used to represent St. Catherine’s College in England, and is the symbol of our own St. Catherine University. It is a type of window and is even a crochet stitch. It is also the inspiration for our symbol as The Wheel, as we follow St Catherine’s influence of speaking out against injustice.

Here at The Wheel, we create new stories and memories for future generations to look back on. Our name may change because of the gruesome backstory, but we know that our mission will remain the same, both personally and throughout the university: to educate, influence, and correct past mistakes. To be that fire, creating new and right and destroying old and wrong in our lives and in society.

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